Eisteddfod Ready Checklist

Comp season is in full swing and we love hearing all your amazing performance stories. It’s a crazy and exciting time of year with last minute rehearsals, costumes, and the chance to see lots of dance friends from other studios. Whether you’re a first time performer or a seasoned competitor, pre-comp nerves can always set in and make us forget important things! We’ve put together an easy checklist for you to make sure you get to your eisteddfod with everything you need!

  1. Attend your final rehearsals with lots of energy and be open to feedback from your teachers (they really are there to help you do your best)

  2. Double check your eisteddfod program to make sure you know your session start time and can arrive with plenty of time to warm up and get read

  3. Try on your costume (or come and see us to pick up a last minute costume) and run through your routine to make sure it won’t let you down!

  4. Check your tights and shoes for holes or scuff marks – nothing can ruin a completed look quicker than holes in dance tights, or shabby shoes on stage! Spare tights are a must at performance time.

  5. Pack your dance bag the night before – be sure to remember your shoes, tights, costumes, a healthy snack, water, makeup, hair things, any warm up aids and a copy of your music on CD (clearly labelled with your name, and section number)

  6. Go to bed early so you get plenty of sleep

  7. HAVE FUN!


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